A Phresh Look
A couple talented and ambitious team members from Phresh Spa & Salon collaborated with myself, local models and Primp clothing to showcase “A Phresh Look” for the summer. Mission accomplished. Amanda Otis, Rachel Stanke, Taylor Diebel and Kelly Stanley spearheaded this operation and coordinated the models, photographer, clothing and style. Bravo for work well done. I have to give Phresh Salon a lot of props for consistently pushing themselves to be the best salon they can be by entering into competitions (and winning), pushing the boundaries, educating and inspiring their team members.
I am not too used to photographing with models but let’s just say it was so easy that I barely had to say anything. And I must say that they were all very kind hearted and down to earth. They knew how to move and switch up their look with every click of the camera. Not to mention the hair, makeup & stylizing added a lot of interest and edge to the images. My favorite part about all of this is that there is very very minimal editing done to these images. Not to mention that we only had about an hour to photograph 4 models. A job well done by all participants. Real people, real talent and just the right lighting.
Thank you to Phresh, Primp and the beautiful models for a lovely session.